Shikoku Itinerary

For my travel itinerary, please click Itinerary Map.

For restaurants that I have visited and are worth mentioning, please click Restaurant Map.

Summary of Attractions/Activities from Imabari
  1. Cycle, walk and drive across the Kurushimakaikyo bridge 
  2. Oboke Gorge and Iya Kazura bridge
  3. Mt Ishizuchi 
  4. Seaside walk on the western coast at Roadside Station Kazahaya no sato Fuwari at sunset
  5. A-Coop supermarket
  6. HALOWS 24 hr supermarket
  7. AEON Mall
  8. DAISO
  9. UNIQLO Emiful

Summary of Attractions/Activities from Uwajima
  1.  The seafood market どーや市場 at the Roadside Station Yawatahama Minatto 八幡浜みなっと.
  2. Cycle to Sada no Chinkabashi 佐田の沈下橋 at Shimanto
  3. Yusumizugaura Terrace Field 遊子水荷浦の段畑
  4. Tatsukushi Coast 竜串海岸 and Cape Ashizuri Lighthouse 足摺岬灯台
  5. Cape Koumo Misaki 高茂岬 (Ainan area)
  6. Roadside stations in Uwajima and Ainan area and along route 441 from Uwajima to Shimanto
  7. Fuji Grand Shopping Centre, Fuji supermarket
  8. Uniqlo Uwajima

Summary of Attractions/Activities from Kochi
  1. Hirome Market
  2. Kochi Castle garden early in the morning
  3. Sunday Market
  4. Katsurahama Beach
  5. Godaisan

Summary of Attractions/Activities from Matsuyama
  1. Matsuyama Castle
  2. Seaside walk at Futami Seaside Park
  3. Emiful Masaki Shopping Centre
  4. AEON Mall Matsuyama
  5. Wonderful sushi dinner at Sushiro スシロー 松山衣山店.

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